About the Author of H-DRILL
Professor Gary S. Schajer, the author of H-Drill, is a
well-known researcher in the area of residual stress measurements.
He teaches and does research in the Department of Mechanical
Engineering, at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
Canada. His first hole-drilling publication was recognized by the
1981 Best Paper Award of the Journal of Engineering Materials and
Technology. Since then, Professor Schajer has done extensive
research on residual stress measurements, and has published
numerous papers and book chapters. He is Chair of ASTM committee
E28-13 on residual stress measurement and has been responsible for
four major revisions of ASTM E837 Standard Test Method for
Hole-Drilling Residual Stress Measurements, most recently E837-20.
He coauthored the handbook Hole-Drilling Method for
Measuring Residual Stress, published by Morgan & Claypool.
He also edited the standard reference text Practical Residual
Stress Measurement Methods, published by Wiley. His work was recognized
by the B.J. Lazan Award of the Society for Experimental Mechanics.